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Seaview Primary School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Eco Council

The Seaview Eco Council were elected at the start of the year and chosen for their interest in looking after the environment. There are two representatives from each year group Y4-Y7.  They are currently involved in a number of activities to encourage our whole school community to become more eco-friendly such as litter-picking, energy conservation and recycling. Alongside this excellent work, pupils learn about green issues in class, participating in lessons and projects relating to a range of environmental topics.

November was energy month including ‘Switch off fortnight’ whereby all children were encouraged to turn lights, computers and projectors off when leaving the classroom.

In December we will have the ‘Christmas Cracker Cycle’ – children will ‘bling’ their bike/scooter and travel to school.


This term, Year 3’s topic has been all about water. They looked at their families water consumption and identified ways to reduce it. They designed persuasive posters to encourage people to save water, these were put up around the school. Water scarcity was also studied and places around the world identified where there is not enough water. All of this work was linked to the UNCRC and in particular Article 24: Children have the right to good quality health care and to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that they will stay healthy. Rich countries should help poorer countries achieve this.